"Deceit and Dirty Money" a novel by Jim Herlihy.

Jim is the eldest of Aunty Lily & Uncle Paddy's 5 children and is based in San Franscisco working for the Citigroup Corporation.
When he was in Latin America, he used to write for "The Times", "The Economist" and did a couple of assignments for the BBC, he then turned his hand to fiction. "Deceit and Dirty Money" was published late 2000 and if you go to Amazon.com, you'll find it there. You may come across another Jim Hertlihy who writes about the Irish police, but that's not our Jim. He sold the audio rights to a BBC producer called Alec Reid and he recorded it as an audio book. The narrator makes it come alive and it is 12 hours in total as a recording. You can download it from www.Audiobooksforfree.com. The title was shortened to 'Dirty Money'. For $15 you can download an excellent quality audio version versus the free one which is OK. His second novel has been stalled for several years due to the pressures of family, work and life, but he is in the process of resurrecting it, with a possible rewrite and introducing a biotech thriller twist.
God Luck Jim! We look forward to its publication.
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